Help Desk & FAQ



Don’t see an answer to your question below? Need help with Cardishop or any other pages? Ask us here.


Question: Under Stud Dog/Brood Bitch it states "none of the dogs or bitches making up the entry judged first in the class will be eligible to compete for Best of Breed by virtue of having won this class." All three of the dogs/bitches I want to put in stud dog /get are finished, so if I win the stud dog class, I cannot put any of the three dogs/bitches into Best of Breed on Saturday correct?


Answer:  I agree that the wording is confusing. They can be entered in best of breed. What the paragraph is trying to say is that if the stud dog wins the class that doesn't make any non-champion get eligible to show in best of breed. The important words are "by virtue of having won this class". So the "judged first" means judged and given first place, not judged prior to best of breed. In the stud dog paragraph above it says the get must be entered in a regular class and includes best of breed in the statement.


Question: Are dogs allowed at the annual banquet?


Answer: The banquet isn't set up for dogs. Food service is formal. Before there's generally a cash bar and people milling around visiting and perusing the silent auction items.


Question: I don't have a PayPal account. Can I still use Cardishop?


Answer: Yes! When you check out you will be given the choice to pay by check, Stripe, or PayPal. If you choose to pay by check your order will be on hold until the check is received, at which time you will receive a confirmation upon our release of the order. If you have a debit or credit card but no PayPal account, use Stripe.


Question: When will the COF (Consolidated Order Form) be available?


Answer: The COF was replaced starting in 2018 with our NS Cardishop online store. In this way we can add items as they are ready. You can order items as you are ready to pay for them or wait and do one grand order at the end.


Question: I'm trying to pay for grooming, but cannot. Is the password required, the password for the CWCCA website or for PayPal? It will take neither. I don't get it!



Answer:  Accounts and passwords for the National Specialty website are neither your PayPal password nor (necessarily) the same as your member site password. This is a separate website as it has accounts for non-members as well as members.


Question: I am unable to pay an extra donation online. The place to put the amount shows $1.00 and I can't change it to the proper amount due.


Answer: The price cannot be changed on an individual item. The work-around is to put the amount you wish to donate in the field that is generally quantity (whole dollars only).  



Question:  I may have missed it in the Cardishop, but I would like to purchase a marked catalog.


Answer: We no longer offer the marked catalog for several reasons. Not only is it difficult to find a volunteer to do so, but in the past there was a problem with incorrect marking.

The full catalog markings will be available on the website after the specialty.  I also hope that someone will be able to get the dry-erase board to the specialty this year in which case we will be able to mark each class so that people in attendance can mark their catalogs from it.

Question: (Roberts Centre 2020) On page 20 of the Rally/Obedience Premium List it states "No Soft Sided Crates in Royal Canin Ring and Eukanuba Field". Is this correct? Almost all of the performance people I know use soft crates at the agility/obedience/rally trials.


Answer: We have double-checked with Roberts Centre management.  We are allowed to use soft-sided crates for Monday and Tuesday day-crating.


Question: Hi, I will be picking up an adult Cardigan at the National Specialty. I plan on watching several of the events as I will be doing performance with her. My question - are the seminars open to anyone? Do you have to be a member of the National club to attend? Thanks.


Answer: Easy question: yes, the seminars are open to all and no, you don't need to be a CWCCA Member.

Welcome to the world of Cardis!


Question: Will the logo on the apparel be higher on the shirts as opposed to across the belly as shown?

Answer: The images did not come from the vendor, they were created by the NS CardiShop manager using photoshop.  Please don't hold me to size or location of the logo, the images are just for an example

14Question: I tried to place an order to donate to the 2023 Welcome Bags. However, it wouldn’t accept my email/username even though it’s the same one I’ve been using for years. Should I just copy my order & send it with a check to you? Thanks,

Answer: Please use the forgot password step. I carry over usernames (email addresses) from the member website, but most often not the passwords. The national specialties are each separate websites from the member website
15Question: I started an order for Grooming, a Catalog, and Logo Wear and now cannot find it to check out. Help!

Answer: Due to popular demand, I made it so that people do not need to log in to order.  If you are logged in, it will save your shopping cart and you can see it when you log in again. If you are not logged in, it sets a cookie for your cart which may be lost when you close your browser.

When people order as a "guest" without logging in, I attach it to their account after.  But if they do not get as far as checking out, I cannot see the order to do anything with it.  Because I attach the orders to people's accounts after checkout, that means if they login to their account on the National Specialty website that they can see any orders they have placed and completed.
16Question: I tried printing out the Schedule, The Purina Guest Rules and Shopping and Resources Nearby with no success. The difficulty was different with each one. Is this possible to fix, because these three things are something I think everyone should have. Thank you!

Answer: You can print any page, and in multiple ways.  Some of this will be browser and/or pdf reader dependent.  I don't have Safari, but test on both Chrome and Edge.

1) Print any page:  to make the page small enough to fit in a single window, press control/- (Control plus the minus sign).  Then right-click on the page and select Print.  To return to regular size click on the magnifying glass at the top or type Control/+.

Click for larger image

2) You can also copy any page into a word (or equivalent) document.  Go to the top of the page and hold down your shift key while using the down arrow, page down, or mouse. Then right-click and choose Copy.

Click for larger image

Open your document and right-click Paste.  (Control/c also works for copy and Control/v for paste.) Edit as desired.

3) Print a PDF.  The schedule and the guest rules are both found in the Premium List.  Click to open the Premium List.  With Adobe you will find a print button at the upper right.

Click far larger image

4) On PDFs embedded in a page, there are icons on the bottom.  Click on the next to the right-hand image to open the PDF in a new screen.

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

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