Emergency Info

In the event a severe weather or tornado warning is issued for the immediate area, Site Security will notify the Purina Farms management team. The team will notify guests, participants and exhibitors of an impending weather event via the public address system inside the building and via the storm siren and announcements outside the building. Guests, visitors and exhibitors will be asked to seek cover in place in designated areas. Designated areas to seek cover, marked as severe weather shelter areas, include the center hallway of the Purina Event Center, the inside wall of Gateway Hall and the South stairwell. After the weather event ends, Purina Farms management teams will announce all clear.

Emergency Coordinator: Liz Hillebrand  lizannhill@aol.com
Purina Farms Security 636-221-1428

Emergency Services


Meramec Ambulance District


Boles Fire Protection District


Franklin County Sheriff Department


Mercy Hospital


901 E. 5th St.
Washington, MO 63090

Pacific Animal Hospital (24 Hr. on Call)636-257-2100450 West Flier Drive, Pacific, MO 36069

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