The Triathlon Challenge welcomes and encourages participation by all entrants and their Cardigans regardless of level and expertise. It is intended to be a fun event and honors those dogs and handlers who participate in a variety of events at our National Specialty. There are many changes this year so even if this is not your first Triathlon, be sure to read the Triathlon Challenge Guidelines carefully.
Changes this year include weighting of points by level, a new Triathlon Conformation Class, and reworking of the point schedule from 25 maximum to 100 maximum per category. Also new this year is a Junior Triathlon which includes points for Junior Showmanship.
Awards will be given to High Scoring Triathlete and High-Scoring Champion of Record, plus Second, Third, and Fourth placements. Rosettes will be award to each placement and the Triathlon Challenge winner will receive a check for $100.
Triathlon Categories include Agility, Herding, Obedience, Rally, Scent Work and Conformation. You must enter any combination of three or more available categories. Note that most categories may have multiple events. For example, you may be entered in The Megan, Sweepstakes, and Best of Breed for three events, but that is still a single Category: Conformation. Likewise, two herding trials with ducks and sheep entries on each is still a single Category: Herding.
The Triathlon entry fee is $10.00 for each dog regardless of the number of events/classes entered in the Triathlon Challenge. This fee is in addition to the entry fees paid for regular and offered non-regular classes.
Cardigan triathletes must be pre-entered to participate. Use the link on this page to access the Triathlon Entry form.
Point Schedule
Entries are Closed.