Triathlon Results


First place, Best in Triathlon: Sally Boeke and Dallas with 61 points
Blue Fox Quiet Thunder of Dovehill UDX RM RAE2 AX AXJ CGCA THD TKN BCAT


Second place: Janice & Kerry Tesch and Liv with 59 points
MACH2 Aramoras Livin On The Edge BN RE MXG MJG

Third place: Kerry & Janice Tesch and Rev with 57 points
Aramoras Rev It Up RA AXP MJP

Fourth place: Janice & Kerry Tesch and Catch with 55 points
MACH3 PACH8 RACH Aramora’s Caught You Looking CD RM2 RAE2 MXC MJC MXP20 MXPC2 MJP19 MJPG2 PAX9 NFP

And High Champion is: Kelli Bausch and Dory with 52 points
CH Xiv Karat Water You Waiting For RI SCN SIN CGC

Amazing job, all contestants!


Highlighted columns indicate sheets not turned in.


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