Call your dog: Back-to-Back Cardigan Obedience and Rally Trials will be held on Tuesday, June 1st 2021
Two obedience trials, two rally trials.
We are anticipating a wonderful entry of Cardigans to present to the judges.
Obedience Chair – Cindy McDonald
Rally Chair – Krista Seltzer
Obedience Judge – Lynn Eggers
Rally Judges – Charlotte Mielziner Trial #1, Tina Ward Trial #2
Due to the number of Rally entries, we have added a second judge. The trials will be held concurrently on a staggered schedule. Starting time for each trial will be announced.
If desired you may withdraw your entry and receive a refund for Trial #2 due to the judge change.
Due to a wonderfully large entry in obedience, we have had to make a change in the judging program to not over draw the judge.. For Trial 1, Charlotte Meilziner will be judging beginner novice(a & b) and veterans obedience in place of Lyn Eggers. All other obedience classes remain as originally posted for Trail 1 and 2.
If you desire, you may withdraw your entry and receive a refund for those two classes only, Trial 1 only, due to the judge change.
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