We will have two trials back-to back-on Monday, May 31st.
Criteria for the HIT: Qualifying scores in both Standard (STD) & Jumpers with Weaves (JWW) classes of the same trial are required. Each dog will be assigned points based on the STD class ENTERED for that trial (30 for Ex/Mas; 20 for Open; 10 for Novice). These points are added to the dog’s speed points (judge’s course time minus the dog’s course time) plus the dog’s score for each course. The dogs with the most points are HIT.
No Double Qs? Then Standard runs only will be used in the formulation of HIT.
Agility Judge: Ronda Bermke
Agility Chair:
Kathy Roberts
Email: katmoose@prodigy.net
Agility Secretary;
Michelle Frasca
Email: mickyf1@charter.net
Agility Venue;
Lake Country Soccer, Inc.
2334 E. Pythian
Springfield, MO 65802
Premium List Trophy Sponsorship Help Wanted