More beautiful auction items Dragon necklace for silent auction and sheep for herding auction. Made and donated by Jennifer Roberson.
Posted by CWCCA 2021 National Specialty on Wednesday, May 12, 2021
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Due to the number of Rally entries, we have added a second judge: Tina Ward. The trials will be held concurrently on a staggered schedule. Starting time for each trial will be announced.
If desired you may withdraw your entry and receive a refund for Trial #2 due to the judge change.
Due to a wonderfully large entry in obedience, we have had to make a change in the judging program to not over draw the judge.. For Trial 1, Charlotte Meilziner will be judging beginner novice(a & b) and veterans obedience in place of Lyn Eggers. All other obedience classes remain as originally posted for Trail 1 and 2.
If you desire, you may withdraw your entry and receive a refund for those two classes only, Trial 1 only, due to the judge change.