Auctions and Raffles

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Herding Silent Auction


Chair: Renee Bernard

We will have a silent auction full of wonderful items at the Herding Trial 

Consider donations of gently used and brand new items for the Herding Trial Silent Auction.  Especially desired are functional items, artwork (we have very talented members), and Cardigan/herding themes.

We depend on the Silent Auction proceeds to help fund these Trials.

Herding Auction Items


Performance  Auction

A great silent auction held on Monday evening at the Companion/Performance banquet.  Help support our do-everything Cardis!

Chair: Renee Bernard

Performance Auction Items

Note from Renee:

We are getting close to the National Specialty and I want to remind everyone if you haven’t thought about donations of items to both the herding and performance silent auctions, now’s the time. Maybe you have more dog items (crates, etc) you don’t need or you are artistic and can add a Cardi or sheep/duck art piece to the auctions (crafts, paintings…). If you are attending the Nationals and will be there Monday May 31, you can drop items off with me before the Performance Dinner. If you want to donate directly to the Herding Trial auction, I will take items any time during the week prior to the Trials or at latest Sunday morning, June 6 at the trial site.

If you are not attending, we can make arrangements. My email address is
Thank you.

FInd this piece at the Herding Silent Auction.



Raffle, Silent, and Live Auctions

Chair: Brenda Medlock

Donation Solicitation: Melanie Harkness

We need your generous donations for our historically profitable fund raising efforts.

Please remember is it this funding that allows CWCCA to facilitate Health Research, Legislation and much, much more. Funds we don’t have cannot work for the common good of the Breed and the CWCCA.

  • The Raffle will be held on Thursday, June 3rd in conjunction with the Annual Meeting.
  • The Silent Auction will be on Saturday, June 5th with our Annual Banquet.
  • Our always GREAT Live Auction will be held on Saturday, June 5th during dinner.
Silent and Live Auction Items

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